False Bottoms Screens for Grain Brewing

Grain Brewing is the art of transforming grain into delicious beer. One of the key elements in this process is the false bottom screen, a seemingly simple yet crucial tool that plays a significant role in extracting the full potential of grains. 


Our false bottom screens are made of industry-standard stainless steel wedge wire. The false bottoms are available in custom or standard slot sizes and screen configurations. They provide reliable support for winemaking processes such as brewing and distillation.


False Bottoms Screens for Grain Brewing


Wedge wire screen structure has been proven to be the best choice for false bottoms. The vee-shaped slot ensures the smooth passage of the wort without clogging.


The wedge wire false bottom screen is placed at the bottom of the mash tun. It creates a filtration barrier, allowing the liquid to flow through while retaining the solid grains above. 


False Bottoms Screens for Grain Brewing


The role of false bottom screens in the grain brewing process

1. Improved Wort Clarity: By effectively filtering out grain particles, false bottom screens contribute to clearer wort, reducing haze and improving the overall appearance of the final product.
2. Enhanced Efficiency: Properly designed false bottom screens facilitate efficient lautering (separating the liquid wort from the grain) by promoting even flow and preventing blockages.
3. Optimized Extraction: Maintaining an ideal grain bed depth above the false bottom ensures optimal extraction of sugars, flavors, and color compounds from the grains, leading to a more robust and flavorful brew.
4. Consistency: Using a reliable false bottom screen helps maintain consistency in batch-to-batch brewing, ensuring predictable results and quality control.



We provide various wedge wire false bottom screens for grain brewing. Various types, slot sizes, or custom features.




False Bottoms Screens for Grain Brewing


Last but not least, Tips for Using False Bottom Screens Effectively

1. Proper Sizing: Ensure the false bottom screen fits snugly in your mash tun, covering the entire bottom surface without gaps to prevent grain bypass.
2. Vorlaufing: Before collecting the wort, perform a vorlauf (recirculation) step to clarify the wort further and settle the grain bed above the false bottom.
3. Avoiding Compaction: Avoid compacting the grain bed excessively, as it can impede flow and reduce extraction efficiency. Gentle handling during mashing is key.
4. Regular Maintenance: Clean and inspect your false bottom screen regularly to prevent the buildup of debris or residue that could affect performance.


If you have any further questions regarding false bottom screens or wedge wire screens, please contact us today.

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